Rupert Hofer (1853-1932), the brother of the Vorarlberg-based embroidery pioneers, Josef and Johann Hofer, acquires a business license as "Stickereifergger" (embroidery agent) and brokers contract orders from Swiss exporters to Vorarlberg. An inn and farm are also operated from the "Hecht" residence.

The step towards the company's own production requires the construction of a building: the new "Hecht". Pantograph machines take over the painstaking manual embroidery work.

Alfred Hofer (1899-1969), owner of a business license for machine embroidery, replaces the pantographs with state-of-the-art Schiffli embroidery machines, but as well as being a successful embroiderer, remains a part-time farmer and innkeeper.

In the third generation, Dr. Josef Hofer (1921-2008) enters into the business. He constantly modernises and expands his machinery and lays the foundation for an independent export business with his own technical developments.

By acquiring the first repeat change machines, Hoferhecht continues its tradition of technological breakthroughs. Increasing export success made it necessary to double the size of its premises in the 1970's, whereby the introduction of electronically controlled machines became a measure of the future.

We proudly celebrate our 125-year anniversary. Today, the fourth generation is involved in the family-owned company. Together with an experienced staff, we make exclusive, high-fashion and innovative embroideries for the world's fashion and luxury market into the hallmark of our company.

Hoferhecht gets wider design-possibilities and a higher quality-level by acquiring new production units.